Hillcom East Africa achieves ground-breaking feat with Kanungu FM set up

about kanungu fm

Hillcom East Africa collaborated with Kanungu FM, a local radio station, to enhance their broadcasting capabilities through the installation of an online radio system and the maintenance of their studio equipment.

By implementing these solutions, Kanungu FM aimed to improve their broadcast quality and reach a wider audience.

The Challenge

Kanungu FM faced challenges with their existing broadcasting setup, including outdated equipment and limited reach. They needed a solution that could modernize their broadcasting capabilities, improve the quality of their broadcasts, and expand their audience base.

Hillcom's Solution

Hillcom provided Kanungu FM with a comprehensive solution that included the installation of an online radio system and the maintenance of their studio equipment. The online radio system allowed Kanungu FM to broadcast their programs over the internet, reaching a global audience.

Additionally, Hillcom’s team of experts conducted maintenance on Kanungu FM’s studio equipment, ensuring that they could continue to operate smoothly.

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